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Tampilkan postingan dengan label ROOT. Tampilkan semua postingan

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2016

Root Samsung Galaxy intensity lll U485 tanpa PC

Cara Root Samsung Galaxy intensity lll U485 tanpa PC (komputer)

Pada Artikel ini saya akan menjelaskan Cara Root Samsung Galaxy intensity lll U485 tanpa PC , Tapi Sebelumnya harus kita ketahui terlebih dahulu apa itu Root dan manfaatnya bagi user/pengguna

Root Android Tanpa PC

Apa itu Rooting?

    Istilah rooting sudah sangat familiar di kalangan pengguna Android . Rooting biasanya dikaitkan dengan aktivitas ngoprek untuk memaksimalkan kinerja gadget Android melebihi batas kemampuan pabrikannya. Lantas, apa sih defisini rooting lebih jelasnya? Untuk apa aja rooting itu? Bagaimana cara rooting gadget Android? Daripada penasaran, yuk kita bahas bersama.

Secara sederhana, rooting bisa diartikan sebagai memberikan akses penuh kepada user untuk mengubah, mengotak atik, memodifikasi sistem android. Mirip dengan istilah administrator yang biasa kamu temukan di OS WIndows untuk mengakses file sistem . Kurang lebih cara kerja rooting sama seperti itu, dengan adanya akses root, kamu bisa mengubah dan mempunyai hak akses terhadap keseluruhan sistem Android.

Dengan melakukan root Android tidak serta merta akan menaikkan performa atau kemampuan ponsel Android. Rooting Android sama seperti “membuka pintu” untuk mengembangkan sistem operasi ini. Lantas, mengapa vendor gadget Android tidak memberikan akses rot sejak awal? Ada alasan tertentu. Karena hal ini bertujuan untuk melindungi sistem operasi Android secara keseluruhan. Jika akses root sudah diberikan sejak awal dan pengguna tidak sengaja mengubah atau menghilangkan satu hingga beberapa file sistem yang vital, maka dapat menyebabkan kinerja gadget Android menjadi tidak stabil dan resiko terburuknya mungkin menyebabkan mati total. Itulah alasannya mengapa vendor gadget Android membatasi akses ke file sistem.
karena Me-Root artinya kita bisa sesuka hati mengubah, menghapus, menambah, bahkan merusak semua yang ada dalam sistem handphone.
Kegunaan root pada android antara lain akses tak terbatas terhadap system, instalasi file di memori card, uninstall aplikasi bawaan, backup alikasi system, instalasi custom Rom, menambah RAM android dan lain-lain.
Untuk tutorial Root Android kaliini kita akan menggunakan aplikasi Framaroot yang membuat perangkat android anda menjadi sudah ter Root dengan satu kali klik,
Silahkan ikuti panduannya.

Berikut ini cara Root Samsung Galaxy intensity lll U485 tanpa PC
  • Unduh aplikasi FramaRoot 1.9.2 Apk Terbaru [download]
Root Android Tanpa PC

        NB (cara unduh): Tunggu Hitungan detik  Kemudian Klik (Skip Ad)
  • Jika sudah selesai mengunduh,silahkan extract dan install aplikasi FramaRoot 1.9.2 Apk pada Hp anda.
  • Lalu buka Aplikasi FramaRoot, lihat menu “Select an action to execute after root“, lalu ganti dengan “install Superuser” atau “install SuperSU“.(Penulis menyarankan pilih Install Superuser)
Root Android Tanpa PC
  • Setelah itu pilih “Gandalf“, Aplikasi ini otomatis akan melakukan proses Rooting. Jadi tunggu beberapa saat hingga prosesnya selesai.
  • Jika proses root selesai maka akan muncul popup “superuser and su binary installed. you have to reboot your device“. tekan OK dan Reboot/restart hp anda.
Root Android Tanpa PC
  • Setelah melakukan Reboot cari aplikasi Super SU dan install binary mode normal.
  • Proses Root Selesai.
Untuk mengetahui apakah android anda sudah berhasil di Root atau tidak, Silahkan download aplikasinya dibawah ini
Root Android Tanpa PC

Untuk yang sudah berhasil melakukan Root pada ponsel Androidnya namun ingin kembali seperti semula bisa mengikuti tutorial cara unroot android dengan FramaRoot berikut ini :
  • Pertama-tama buka aplikasi Framaroot
  • Lalu,pada menu “Select an action to execute after root“, pilih “unroot“. kemudian pilih “Gandalf“.
  • Tunggu beberapa saat, kemudian pilih Reboot system, dan kini android mu sudah kembali seperti semula.
Atau anda juga bisa melakukan Unroot dengan cara :
Buka Aplikasi “SuperSU” Pilih menu “Settings” kemudian cari dan klik menu “Full unroot” klik “Continue” . Setelah proses unroot sukses silahkan Restart android anda

Demikianlah Cara Root Samsung Galaxy intensity lll U485 tanpa PC, Semoga Bermanfaat

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2016

Root Lenovo S5000 Without PC (computer)

Before I continue How to Root Lenovo S5000 Without PC (computer) Now I want to first explain what it means rooting

 What Is Rooting?

Root Android Without PC
     At its most basic, "rooting" is the term widely used among computer and cell phone technicians alike to refer to the process by which one gains access to the administrative commands and functions of an operating system.

If you're thinking, "Hey that's no help, I'm still confused," that's normal. Even a simple definition of rooting seems complex at first. What it means when you root an Android phone, is that you give yourself,

The permission to act like the administrator of the phone. There are a ton of reasons why people want to do this--the biggest being either to install an updated version of the operating system, or to save battery life. The two more often than not go hand-in-hand.

There are other benefits of rooting, as well. When you gain access to administrative phone functions, it is simpler to freeze system processes that drain battery life. Many apps require ROOT, it indeed helps you to provide performance boost to your slow/laggy phone!

I don't need it sucking up my battery life. Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.

Having a rooted Android phone is also beneficial because there are several Android applications which are extremely useful and also require root menu access. "Titanium Backup" is my personal favorite of these. It allows you to back up all your applications with their data on a regular basis, so that if you do install a new version of the operating system, or if you have to factory reset your phone, you don't have to go back and start Angry Birds all over again from Level 1. (And trust me, I've been there. I've felt that pain.) Other applications allow you to uninstall bloatware entirely, and so on, and so forth, from basic functions to extremely technical on a level that even I fail to entirely understand.

How To Root Lenovo S5000 Without PC?

    Make sure your Android device is connected to the Internet. On your Android device, turn Unknown Sources, how open Settings> Security> Unknown Source or Settings> Security> Device Administration> Unknown Source (swipe or check for enabled).

Download and install KingRoot APK on your Android device.
Root Android Without PC

  • After installation is complete, you will see KingRoot application installed in your application menu.

Root Android Without PC

  • Tap on the icon to open KingRoot. Once the application is open KingRoot you will see like on the screen:

Root Android Without PC

  • Now, press the START ROOT button to begin the process of root.

Root Android Without PC
  • Within a minute or two you will see a green check mark as in the screen below, it means you've successfully rooted devices

    Then restart your Android device.
    You will find Kinguser applications installed on the application menu
    You can also verify that your device has been successfully rooted or not the "Root Checker" app
Download Root Checker app Here
    Root Android Without PC

that is article how to Root Lenovo S5000 Without PC (computer) may be useful ..  :)

Root Lenovo Vibe X S960 Without PC (computer)

Before I continue How to Root Lenovo Vibe X S960 Without PC (computer) Now I want to first explain what it means rooting

 What Is Rooting?

Root Android Without PC
     At its most basic, "rooting" is the term widely used among computer and cell phone technicians alike to refer to the process by which one gains access to the administrative commands and functions of an operating system.

If you're thinking, "Hey that's no help, I'm still confused," that's normal. Even a simple definition of rooting seems complex at first. What it means when you root an Android phone, is that you give yourself,

The permission to act like the administrator of the phone. There are a ton of reasons why people want to do this--the biggest being either to install an updated version of the operating system, or to save battery life. The two more often than not go hand-in-hand.

There are other benefits of rooting, as well. When you gain access to administrative phone functions, it is simpler to freeze system processes that drain battery life. Many apps require ROOT, it indeed helps you to provide performance boost to your slow/laggy phone!

I don't need it sucking up my battery life. Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.

Having a rooted Android phone is also beneficial because there are several Android applications which are extremely useful and also require root menu access. "Titanium Backup" is my personal favorite of these. It allows you to back up all your applications with their data on a regular basis, so that if you do install a new version of the operating system, or if you have to factory reset your phone, you don't have to go back and start Angry Birds all over again from Level 1. (And trust me, I've been there. I've felt that pain.) Other applications allow you to uninstall bloatware entirely, and so on, and so forth, from basic functions to extremely technical on a level that even I fail to entirely understand.

How To Root Lenovo Vibe X S960 Without PC?

    Make sure your Android device is connected to the Internet. On your Android device, turn Unknown Sources, how open Settings> Security> Unknown Source or Settings> Security> Device Administration> Unknown Source (swipe or check for enabled).

Download and install KingRoot APK on your Android device.
Root Android Without PC

  • After installation is complete, you will see KingRoot application installed in your application menu.

Root Android Without PC

  • Tap on the icon to open KingRoot. Once the application is open KingRoot you will see like on the screen:

Root Android Without PC

  • Now, press the START ROOT button to begin the process of root.

Root Android Without PC
  • Within a minute or two you will see a green check mark as in the screen below, it means you've successfully rooted devices

    Then restart your Android device.
    You will find Kinguser applications installed on the application menu
    You can also verify that your device has been successfully rooted or not the "Root Checker" app
Download Root Checker app Here
    Root Android Without PC

that is article how to Root Lenovo Vibe X S960 Without PC (computer) may be useful ..  :)

Root Lenovo A516 Without PC (computer)

Before I continue How to Root Lenovo A516 Without PC (computer) Now I want to first explain what it means rooting

 What Is Rooting?

Root Android Without PC
     At its most basic, "rooting" is the term widely used among computer and cell phone technicians alike to refer to the process by which one gains access to the administrative commands and functions of an operating system.

If you're thinking, "Hey that's no help, I'm still confused," that's normal. Even a simple definition of rooting seems complex at first. What it means when you root an Android phone, is that you give yourself,

The permission to act like the administrator of the phone. There are a ton of reasons why people want to do this--the biggest being either to install an updated version of the operating system, or to save battery life. The two more often than not go hand-in-hand.

There are other benefits of rooting, as well. When you gain access to administrative phone functions, it is simpler to freeze system processes that drain battery life. Many apps require ROOT, it indeed helps you to provide performance boost to your slow/laggy phone!

I don't need it sucking up my battery life. Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.

Having a rooted Android phone is also beneficial because there are several Android applications which are extremely useful and also require root menu access. "Titanium Backup" is my personal favorite of these. It allows you to back up all your applications with their data on a regular basis, so that if you do install a new version of the operating system, or if you have to factory reset your phone, you don't have to go back and start Angry Birds all over again from Level 1. (And trust me, I've been there. I've felt that pain.) Other applications allow you to uninstall bloatware entirely, and so on, and so forth, from basic functions to extremely technical on a level that even I fail to entirely understand.

How To Root Lenovo A516 Without PC?

    Make sure your Android device is connected to the Internet. On your Android device, turn Unknown Sources, how open Settings> Security> Unknown Source or Settings> Security> Device Administration> Unknown Source (swipe or check for enabled).

Download and install KingRoot APK on your Android device.
Root Android Without PC

  • After installation is complete, you will see KingRoot application installed in your application menu.

Root Android Without PC

  • Tap on the icon to open KingRoot. Once the application is open KingRoot you will see like on the screen:

Root Android Without PC

  • Now, press the START ROOT button to begin the process of root.

Root Android Without PC
  • Within a minute or two you will see a green check mark as in the screen below, it means you've successfully rooted devices

    Then restart your Android device.
    You will find Kinguser applications installed on the application menu
    You can also verify that your device has been successfully rooted or not the "Root Checker" app
Download Root Checker app Here
    Root Android Without PC

that is article how to Root Lenovo A516 Without PC (computer) may be useful ..  :)

Root Lenovo A630 Without PC (computer)

Before I continue How to Root Lenovo A630 Without PC (computer) Now I want to first explain what it means rooting

 What Is Rooting?

Root Android Without PC
     At its most basic, "rooting" is the term widely used among computer and cell phone technicians alike to refer to the process by which one gains access to the administrative commands and functions of an operating system.

If you're thinking, "Hey that's no help, I'm still confused," that's normal. Even a simple definition of rooting seems complex at first. What it means when you root an Android phone, is that you give yourself,

The permission to act like the administrator of the phone. There are a ton of reasons why people want to do this--the biggest being either to install an updated version of the operating system, or to save battery life. The two more often than not go hand-in-hand.

There are other benefits of rooting, as well. When you gain access to administrative phone functions, it is simpler to freeze system processes that drain battery life. Many apps require ROOT, it indeed helps you to provide performance boost to your slow/laggy phone!

I don't need it sucking up my battery life. Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.

Having a rooted Android phone is also beneficial because there are several Android applications which are extremely useful and also require root menu access. "Titanium Backup" is my personal favorite of these. It allows you to back up all your applications with their data on a regular basis, so that if you do install a new version of the operating system, or if you have to factory reset your phone, you don't have to go back and start Angry Birds all over again from Level 1. (And trust me, I've been there. I've felt that pain.) Other applications allow you to uninstall bloatware entirely, and so on, and so forth, from basic functions to extremely technical on a level that even I fail to entirely understand.

How To Root Lenovo A630 Without PC?

    Make sure your Android device is connected to the Internet. On your Android device, turn Unknown Sources, how open Settings> Security> Unknown Source or Settings> Security> Device Administration> Unknown Source (swipe or check for enabled).

Download and install KingRoot APK on your Android device.
Root Android Without PC

  • After installation is complete, you will see KingRoot application installed in your application menu.

Root Android Without PC

  • Tap on the icon to open KingRoot. Once the application is open KingRoot you will see like on the screen:

Root Android Without PC

  • Now, press the START ROOT button to begin the process of root.

Root Android Without PC
  • Within a minute or two you will see a green check mark as in the screen below, it means you've successfully rooted devices

    Then restart your Android device.
    You will find Kinguser applications installed on the application menu
    You can also verify that your device has been successfully rooted or not the "Root Checker" app
Download Root Checker app Here
    Root Android Without PC

that is article how to Root Lenovo A630 Without PC (computer) may be useful ..  :)

Root Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 Without PC (computer)

Before I continue How to Root Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 Without PC (computer) Now I want to first explain what it means rooting

 What Is Rooting?

Root Android Without PC
     At its most basic, "rooting" is the term widely used among computer and cell phone technicians alike to refer to the process by which one gains access to the administrative commands and functions of an operating system.

If you're thinking, "Hey that's no help, I'm still confused," that's normal. Even a simple definition of rooting seems complex at first. What it means when you root an Android phone, is that you give yourself,

The permission to act like the administrator of the phone. There are a ton of reasons why people want to do this--the biggest being either to install an updated version of the operating system, or to save battery life. The two more often than not go hand-in-hand.

There are other benefits of rooting, as well. When you gain access to administrative phone functions, it is simpler to freeze system processes that drain battery life. Many apps require ROOT, it indeed helps you to provide performance boost to your slow/laggy phone!

I don't need it sucking up my battery life. Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.

Having a rooted Android phone is also beneficial because there are several Android applications which are extremely useful and also require root menu access. "Titanium Backup" is my personal favorite of these. It allows you to back up all your applications with their data on a regular basis, so that if you do install a new version of the operating system, or if you have to factory reset your phone, you don't have to go back and start Angry Birds all over again from Level 1. (And trust me, I've been there. I've felt that pain.) Other applications allow you to uninstall bloatware entirely, and so on, and so forth, from basic functions to extremely technical on a level that even I fail to entirely understand.

How To Root Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 Without PC?

    Make sure your Android device is connected to the Internet. On your Android device, turn Unknown Sources, how open Settings> Security> Unknown Source or Settings> Security> Device Administration> Unknown Source (swipe or check for enabled).

Download and install KingRoot APK on your Android device.
Root Android Without PC

  • After installation is complete, you will see KingRoot application installed in your application menu.

Root Android Without PC

  • Tap on the icon to open KingRoot. Once the application is open KingRoot you will see like on the screen:

Root Android Without PC

  • Now, press the START ROOT button to begin the process of root.

Root Android Without PC
  • Within a minute or two you will see a green check mark as in the screen below, it means you've successfully rooted devices

    Then restart your Android device.
    You will find Kinguser applications installed on the application menu
    You can also verify that your device has been successfully rooted or not the "Root Checker" app
Download Root Checker app Here
    Root Android Without PC

that is article how to Root Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 Without PC (computer) may be useful ..  :)